Frog Hollow Flower Farm - 7-24-2018

The TCAA artists met today in Ellington, CT. Our hostess, Karyn, runs the farm and has fresh cut flower bouquets for sale. The location is 8 Frog Hollow Rd. It is a wonderful place to get away from the rush of busy lives. To stroll through the gardens with views of farm fields and big sky is to live a piece of Heaven. Our hostess Karyn with some flowers We gathered on the porch to catch up and have some fresh brewed coffee and blueberry buckle. As the group rolled in, we ended up with about 7 artists. The lively group consisted of Ronnie, Susan, Margaret, Donna, Linda, Adrianna and June. Courtesy of Ronnie Klukas Courtesy of Ronnie Klukas The morning began around 9 a.m. with a near downpour. Within 5 minutes the sun was shining. Throughout the 2 1/2 hours we spent painting, sketching or socializing, the clouds rolled in and out, with brief one or two minute showers. Combined with the tr...