
Showing posts from July, 2018

Frog Hollow Flower Farm - 7-24-2018

The TCAA artists met today in Ellington, CT. Our hostess, Karyn, runs the farm and has fresh cut flower bouquets for sale. The location is 8 Frog Hollow Rd. It is a wonderful place to get away from the rush of busy lives. To stroll through the gardens with views of farm fields and big sky is to live a piece of Heaven.   Our hostess Karyn with some flowers We gathered on the porch to catch up and have some fresh brewed coffee and blueberry buckle. As the group rolled in, we ended up with about 7 artists. The lively group consisted of  Ronnie, Susan, Margaret, Donna, Linda, Adrianna and June. Courtesy of Ronnie Klukas                   Courtesy of Ronnie Klukas The morning began around 9 a.m. with a near downpour. Within 5 minutes the sun was shining. Throughout the 2 1/2 hours we spent painting, sketching or socializing, the clouds rolled in and out, with brief one or two minute showers. Combined with the tr...
Horsebarn Hill, Storrs, CT. - 7-17-2018 Our Tolland County Art Assoc. plein air group met around 9 a.m. in Storrs, CT. It was a rather humid, warm morning but a few decided to take on the 83+ temperatures. Horsebarn Hill is a terrific area for painters and photographers. The light is amazing because it is so open and the air seems quite clean. It has delights in any season. The hill today was filled with the sounds of bob-o-links flying across its top, as well as many other birds. As a family destination, the barns are open to the public where you will see horses, cows and sheep. Today we stayed near the parking lot, drinking in the beauty of the back of the hill, which is a popular destination in winter for sledding and toboggoning. Today we had 4 who brought their tools for an hour or so of sketching or painting. Georgiana, Adrienna, Penny and June walked around a little, looking for the right spot to settle on. All brought cameras, as usual, which has...

Rockville, CT. 7-10-2018

Our Tuesday art group met at 9 a.m. at Park Place for our weekly outing. Rockville, CT. is an historic mill town with an old fashioned Main St. and a beautiful green lawn owned by Union Congregational Church. The lawn is a lovely area to meet and greet, and take in some of the architecture that has made Rockville historically significant. Today we had 5 who brought their sketchbooks, pencils and charcoal. None felt the need for canvases and easels today, but any who wish to join in our gatherings can bring whatever they are comfortable with. The Tolland County Art members who added their warmth and social graces were Cathy, Jane, Georgiana, Linda and June. We spent until around 11:30 doing several sketches or just one. Many of us also bring our cameras, so we can capture the scene we might be sketching, in case we wish to take it to a finished painting or drawing. Here are a few of the photos of the area, as well as some of the artists working on their art piece. I invite a...